[급구] 외국계 화장품 RA 담당자(정규)
 2012-03-15 13:29:40  |   조회: 7568
첨부파일 : -
채용담당 : 신현정 ( 02-3444-2203 / hjshin@bluebell group.com)

Regulatory affairs
 Management of all regulatory requirement
 Responsible for new product registration & variation
 EDI document preparation & submission to approval office for customs clearance
 Label Legal checking and  ordering
 Quality control test follow up
 Follow up for periodical report to related administration
 Preparing all requirement against Administration periodical audit & follow up
 Follow up and reporting whenever some regulatory issue occurs.
 EPR(Extended Producer Responsibility) report

Logistic affairs
  Order placement for Bi-Monthly  order of Japan sourcing product (single line) & Home Shopping
 follow up  order delivery on time
 Maintaining good stock level for keeping reasonable company asset
 Inducement to an action plan about Slow moving & obsolete
 Preparing & Distributing Monthly report ( inventory analysis / Forecast deviation report)

 Attending all seminar for monitoring continuously revised regulation
 Sharing information with other cosmetic company through mutual cooperation
 Attending on EUCCK cosmetic committee meeting

 Acceptance of Adjustment about Goods request
 Attending Monthly Forecast meeting with related team
 Family sale arrangement
 Announcement of New Product shipment receiving

채용담당 : 신현정 ( 02-3444-2203 / hjshin@bluebell group.com)

회사명 부루벨코리아(주)
본사 소재지 서울 강남구 신사동 666-14 배강빌딩 5층
업종 도,소매업 / 무역,유통 / 섬유,의류,신발
홈페이지 Global : http://www.bluebell group.com
Korea : http://www.bluebell group.com/kr
복리후생 연금 및 보험: 4대보험, 상해보험, 퇴직보험
휴무 및 휴가: 주5일근무, 연차,
보상제도: 장기근속자 포상, 퇴직금, 인센티브
경조사지원: 경조금, 경조휴가
기타지원: 문화생활비, 자기개발비, 등등
2012-03-15 13:29:40

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